In chapter 2 Jonah calls out to God from within the fish. He cries out to God from the deep. Jonah says that he feels like he's at the gates of hell....
Has your life ever felt like that? Where everything is crashing down and it feels like you can't come up for air?
Let's be honest... Life is tough! Many Christians like to put up the facade that life is easy and everything is fine... But what are we to do when life throws curves at us?
Jonah helps us understand how to talk with our God in the midst of a terrible situation. Jonah helps us understand how to be honest with ourself and our God. He shows us that we need to pray expecting God to listen to us. But Jonah's prayer wasn't complete... He never confessed his sin.
You can trust God when life gets tough... When God seems to be silent in your situation... Remember that He is there and loves you!